Official webpage of Zeljo Konjic Construction company


The company “ŽELJO” d.o.o. Konjic, was founded in 2007. based in Konjic. address: Želježnička br. 28, 88400, Konjic, BiH Founder and 100% owner of the company "ŽELJO" d.o.o. Konjic is Ramiz Korić, M.Sc., B.Sc. The company is engaged in construction and catering Construction activity is divided into 3 areas: 1. Construction works on the reconstruction and construction of residential and commercial buildings (license of the owner of the company No. FL-4687/16 dated 30.05.2016, construction works and supervision) (issuance of a CERTIFICATE for simple construction works, removal, asbestos, concrete, bricks, bricks, wood, etc.) / attachment reference list of buildings built by the company Željo doo Konjic / 2. Construction and reconstruction of Railways (license for construction / execution of works of the upper machine of railways No. UPI / 03-19-2-233 / 21 dated 24 June 2021) / attachment to the reference list of railway works built by the company Željo doo Konjic / 3. Works in Germany and the Netherlands on the construction of a 5 G network optical cable The catering industry is represented by 3 social catering restaurants in Konjic: 1. Restaurant “Igman” Konjic, social catering restaurant in the Dedicated Industry PD Igman dd Konjic 2. Restaurant “Igman Vojna” Konjic, social catering restaurant in the Dedicated Industry PD Igman dd Konjic 3. Restaurant "Vrata Hercegovine" on the main road M-17 in "Bradina"

Here you can download all documentation, authorizations and licenses of the company Zeljo doo Konjic